World Pop Logo Revision

World Pop Revision 02-01

After the company sent logo to the client, the client sent feed back to our company to improve the logo what they want to change.

Client demand:

want to be the same as the old logo style


Revision 1:

World Pop Revision 02-02

I used the same style of us logo but i change a little bit to make more good.

Revision 2:

World Pop Revision 02-03

I try to create more different style but related to us old logo.

Revision 3:

World Pop Revision 02-04

For this one, I try more different to us old style. But it look very well. For me, I like this one. because It look simple, easier to remember and look more unique.


My feeling is ok to improve. but I think client in Cambodia is very hard to know what they. I mean they change mine so fast. The designer design follow what they learn from school, make the logo easy to remember, the typeface easy to read, simple not complicate. But the client think the another way.

Clients is powerful then designer. 🙂

After I was improve already, client service will sent it to clients. And we are waiting feedback from them, they choose it or not.

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